Michelle Scurr’s First Race Win


A Grade Shane Stiles, C Grade George Tambassis, D grade Terry Kelly: a boring sameness about the winners this week with the exception of first time E grade winner Michelle Scurr.

A and B grade again combined which generally means a race of ludicrously mixed tempo. The B graders don’t want to exert themselves too much as they know the A graders can drop them any time. On Saturday it was clear early on that the A graders didn’t want to do much at all either.

The group rolled along at 30km/h and at one stage a lone C grade break away caught and passed the on lap one. Various riders were allowed to escape off the front for a lap.

Rob Monk took on the unusual role of breakaway specialist. He spent a lap off the front with first Greg Horbwitz, Jason Laird and Joe Patrick. Next he spent a lap and a half away with Graeme Parker, Pete Whelan and Rolland Elstrom. On lap 5 he joined Jayman Prestidge who had ridden away.

Each break was brought back by the bunch and when Monk had to leave early after 5 of the 6 laps the race began in earnest.

Stiles finally put some pressure on and strung the field out approaching the top corner. Rounding the turn Graeme “The Juice” Parker and Jason Laird attacked and made a break for home. They held their lead all the way along Parkers Rd and at the final turn looked to have an unassailable break. Stiles had saved himself in the chase though, and at the start of the finishing straight jumped away. He caught Laird and Parker in the shadows of the line to record the win. Pete Whelan won the bunch sprint for fourth.

C grade had the largest field of the day. A lack of “sit on” sprinters and good sprinkling of triathletes who love to drive the pace on the front meant they lapped quicker than the A/B race for much of the day. Paul Yeatman tried his usual “ride off the front” tactics but Dan Cleversley, Graeme Patrick and Ross Henry were not letting anyone get too far away. The big field all rolled though along Parkers Rd keeping the pace high.
Tambassis used the long drag to the corner on the home straight to string out the field but didn’t manage to drop anyone. First time racer Dan Weeks looked comfortable so expect big things from him in the coming weeks. On the bell lap Simon, “I’m not fit enough to ride B grade” Baxter rode off the front. This is considered poor form for a rider who is riding in a lower grade for fitness. Senior riders Dilger and Henry let him know it. Baxter will be in B grade next race, fit or not.

The C grade sprint was compromised as the field had to pass the slow moving A/B grade main field. This did not stop C grade powerhouses George Tambassis and Andy Nichols from fighting out a great sprint. Nichols looked the winner but Tambassis just lunged on the line to take the price. Leigh Hauxwell finished third proving last week’s promotion from D grade was appropriate.

In one of the hottest form streaks in Warragul Cycling Club history, Terry Kelly made it 4 wins from his past 5 races. Kelly is unstoppable at the moment. Perennial place getter John Davine tried every trick in the book to end the streak but Terry Kelly has seen every trick there is in his 84 year cycling career. Davine and Kelly dropped Andrew Jackson and Lou Clarke in the run to the corner on lap 3 but try as he might Davine could not convince Kelly to stop soft peddling though for his turns. Davine’s hard won break would did not stick. Kelly wanted it to end in a bunch sprint.

Clarke, in just her third race did well to work with Jackson to get back on for the finish. Kelly sprinted away from Davine to take the win with Jackson third and Clarke in fourth. Can anyone stop the Terry Kelly domination of D grade?

The all female E grade race was a closely contested affair for 2 laps. Renee Patrick and Adele Whelan did the majority of the pace making but Annie Pryjmak rolled through for her turns when she could. Adele and Renee fell for one of the oldest tricks in the cycling book though. They assumed Michelle Scurr was struggling and made sure she didn’t have to do too much work so she’d be there for most of the race. Michelle was not struggling though and rode the bunch off her wheel at the start of the final lap to easily take the victory. Well done Michelle on your first race win. Renee won the sprint for second and Adele was third. Renee and Adele will not underestimate Michelle again. We look forward to next week. Racing is at Darnum. 9.00am start.

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