Varied Racing At Warragul


By Geoff Cuckson

Saturday’s senior Criterium racing began in pouring rain with another good number in attendance despite the conditions.  With five opponents in A grade, Wayne Kestle took off as if the race was a 50 metre sprint and quickly opened a gap that most were unable to bridge.  Anthony Radcliffe, in his first ride in the top grade, and Phil Gallagher made moves to cover the jump but it was not until well into the first lap that Gallagher was able to tack on to the leader.  The race then settled into a two bunch trip with Kestle and Gallagher fighting out the finish over two and a half minutes ahead of the others.  As has been the case on previous occasions, Gallagher led out in the final sprint and despite different tactics was again unable to hold out Kestle’s powerful charge to the line.  These two boys consistently lapped the three kilometre course at around the four and a half minute mark and finished the 33 km trip in a time of 54 mins 31 secs.

The second bunch lost a weary Murray Fenwick very early with the experienced Geoff Thomson attempting to shake  Radcliffe and Gary Jackson with surging tactics.  Radcliffe hung on gamely until early in the second last lap whilst Jackson dug deep and in a short sprint to the line took out third just ahead of Thomson.  Radcliffe’s was an excellent effort first up for fifth whilst Fenwick struggled on to complete the event having ridden most of the trip on his own.

B grade had a new look with the promotion of Brad Clark, Stuart Cuckson and Paul Yeatman and the return of Brian Miller.  As well Brad Lester took the unusual step of covering the 33 km trip on a fixed wheel bike.  In a strangely run event, Cuckson, Clark and Lester and then Brett Williams poured on the pressure early in the event as a bemused Graeme Hanks found himself as the lone peleton rider some 20 seconds off the pace at one stage.  Hanks worked hard and regained the tearaways mid race as firstly Williams and then Clark lost touch with the front.  Like Radcliffe in the grade above him, Cuckson hung on grimly in his first trip with the B graders, only losing contact in the last trip up the King St hill.

In the final sprint to the line, Lester wound the fixed wheel up and came away to win by two seconds from the dogged Hanks with Cuckson an excellent third 20 seconds off the winner.  It is interesting to note that the B grade winner covered the journey in a time which was over 30 seconds faster than the A grade winner.

Clark battled on well a further minute behind whilst Yeatman did a  good job over the longer trip as he starts to get more mileage in his legs.

The combined C grade/novice event over 21 kms saw four riders break away and retain their bunch until the final sprint home.  Brett Miller, showing his undoubted ability continues to improve and came home too strongly for his opponents to cover.  Another with undoubted potential is Travis Fromholtz who rode very well for second and with further expected consistent attendance and road work could be a big improver this season.

Rohan Watts, after a couple of unsuccessful attempts to shake the other riders came in third with Sue Van derveen fourth some 10 seconds behind the winner.  Newcomers Peter Standfield and Ian De Bruyne rode very well over the undulating course whilst Anthony Vogrig and Ted Dunn continue to improve with increased mileage in their legs.

It was also great to see Ian Fromholtz back around the club – thanks for your help Ian.

The juvenile boys had a double header with a three km time trial followed by a nine km scratch race.  Ben Fleming and Scott Keeble continued their close tussle with Jason Boxall and Rick Hallyburton not far behind them.  Ben covered the three km in 5 mins 19 sec just three seconds faster than Scott and then took out the scratch race with a long sprint home.  Scott put in a very fast second lap but was not able to sustain the speed and came in second ahead of Jason and Rick.  The times of Ben Cumming, Paul Williams and Michael Delaney were very close in the time trial whilst they finished in that order in the scratch race.

Another newcomer this week was Nick Palmer who rode very well in the scratch event.

The spot prizes this week were won by Michael Delaney, Brad Lester and Paul Williams and the club thanks Drouin Cycles for their support.

The working bee held last Sunday was very well attended with an enormous effort resulting in the construction of grandstand and track seating.

Prior to a concrete pour next weekend, there are still a few minor jobs to finish and any members with a spare hour during the week are asked to contact Paul Rowse or John Salton for details of these jobs which I understand includes painting.

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