Scratchies Win Sunny Race At Cloverlea


by Cyrus Monk

Sixteen riders turned up in good weather to contest a four lap handicap at Cloverlea. The 16 started in five different groups, over 17 minutes apart.

The scratch group was made up of four riders, Brenton Jones, Thomas Sander, Shane Stiles and Geoff Thomson. Off four minutes were Callan Barker, Pete Finlayson, Paul Yeatman and Mark Oakley Browne, four minutes ahead them the eight minute bunch consisted of just the three riders, Dave Baillie, Rob Monk and James Lalor. The debut handicap riders Jarryd Jones, Aaron White and Glen Ogilvie started in the 12 minute group and then five minutes in front of them off 17 minutes was Dave Axford who after one lap was joined by Cy Monk who only did three laps.

After the first lap all four groups were still working together with the scratch group being lead strongly by Stiles. Cy joined on to Dave Axford and they were caught by Jarryd and Aaron who had shaken off Glen earlier that lap.

By the end of lap two Callan had fallen off the four minute group and was riding with the scratchies and James had fallen off the eight minute group and was riding alone in front of the scratchies. The gap between the leaders and the 16th rider which at the start of the race was 17 minutes was now down to six minutes. It was clear the scratch bunch was flying.

Finlayson and Yeatman managed to lose Oakley Browne but rode on to catch Rob Monk and Dave Baillie. These four rode most of lap 3 working together but just before the start/finish line the scratch bunch caught them with a lap to go. Finlayson, Yeatman and Monk held on to make the lead bunch swell to nine riders. Only Aaron White and Jarryd Jones remained for this bunch to catch and catch them they did at the turn onto Hazeldean Rd.

Geoff Thomson pushed the pace up the hills and this meant the recently caught C graders could no longer hold on.

The bunch remained together to the finish. In the run to the line Brenton Jones led out the sprint. He jumped hard on the left of the road but Shane Stiles was able to follow his wheel and push in front of him. Stiles went on the win and Brenton stopped too soon so Thommo was able to get up and claim second position. Brenton was third with Paul Yeatman, Thomas Sandner, Callan Barker and Pete Finlayson rounding out the main bunch. Then followed Jarryd, Aaron, Rob Monk, Glen Ogilve, Dave Baillie, Cy Monk, Dave Axord and James Lalor.

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