James Henry Shows His Class


By Rob Monk

Thanks to our sponsor - Voyage Fitness
Thanks to our sponsor – Voyage Fitness

A strong Easterly wind greeted the 49 cyclists who turned out for the fourth race of the Voyage Fitness Handicap Series. The limit bunches would again struggle to stay clear of the chasers in the relentless wind. For the second week in a row the scratch bunch managed to catch everyone by half way through the last lap.

The limit bunch doing four laps was Rob Waddell, Sue Elston, Annie Pryjmak and Robyn Barker. They were caught by the bunch of Louise Clark, Michelle Scurr, Pete O’Donnell, Deb Bargwanna, Glen Ogilvy and Wayne Tunks.

Chasing them with  11.5 minutes head start on scratch was John Davine, Mariah Dastey, Mick Blackwood, Terry Kelly, Colin Manintveld, Steve Cahill and Andrew Jackson. This bunch lacked a little cohesion going over the hills but worked well on the flats.

Behind them with 7 minutes on scratch was Neil Edwards, Zvonko Maric, Chester Sanderson, Bruce Staben, Luke Yeatman, Roger Bell, Ray Rhodes and Rod Cheyne.
When this bunch was caught by the group of 10 riders with 3.5 minutes on scratch Sanderson, Cheyne and Staben were able to continue working turns.

The 10 riders in the 3.5 minute group was quickly down to 9 as Thomas Sandner struggled to roll through. Series leader Pete Finlayson and Ross Henry were super strong all race while Roland Elstrom worked hard on the hills to keep the group moving.

The Finlayson group had caught the 3 bunches in front by lap 4 but were about to be caught themselves.

The 10 strong chopping block bunch had some serious horse power. Warragul riders Graeme Parker, Glenn Marriott, Scott Keeble, Jayden Manintveld, Jack Walk and Brett Miller were joined by the strongmen from the Latrobe Valley. Jim Timmer Arrends, Craig Skinner, Col Aitken and Chris Joustra had ridden down from Traralgon to race but still had plenty left in the tank.

What the scratch group lacked in numbers they clearly made up for in quality. National Road Series trio James Henry and Jarryd and Brenton Jones only had to make up a minute on the group in front and they managed that by lap 4.

At the bell the backmarkers were all together and huge group of 30 riders stretched out over 50 meters. James Henry put the pressure on and his father did most of the chasing to close it down. Some questioned after the race whether the Henry boys had visited Alberto’s butcher during the week. Ross was in very good form.

On the rolling hills near the Bonlac factory the inevitable attack from the scratch riders occurred and James Henry, Jayden Manintveld and Graeme Parker cleared out from the rest of the field. In the sprint between them James was too strong for Jayden with Parker an exhausted third. Ten seconds later Glen Marriott was a clear fourth followed by Clem Fries, Pete Whelan, Pete Finlayson and Ross Henry.

Mariah Dastey was the first female over the line.

The final race of the series is on Next Saturday at 9.00 am.

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