Hot Racing

08/01/2011 Oppressive temperatures were no deterrent to the cyclists who turned out in big numbers. C and D grade combined to make a field of nine riders. First time racer George Tambassis looked strong early in the race and soon he had the field spread out. Only Dave Bailey and …

Muppets Have Their Day

18/11/2010 Rob Monk’s somewhat strange race report… It was “Muppets day out” on Saturday as Jarryd Jones and James Lalor, the Muppets, took the chocolates in the scratch race at Shady Creek. To make matters worse the Muppet King, Jayman Prestige, returned to some sort of form and took third …

Cloverlea Scratch Race

23/10/2010 A small but hardy group of riders turned out for a scratch race at Cloverlea in conditions that could at best be described as “challenging” on Saturday. Rain, wind and mud made conditions less than ideal for racing. Despite this a viable scratch race was staged with enjoyable and …