Ride It Report 28/08/2005

Nine riders, including junior David deBruyne were greeted by beautiful spring weather on a delightful ride to Drouin and return. Five rode the novice route and four on the intermediate run with the obligatory coffee stop midway. Lets hope that the good weather will bring out more riders in the …

Ride It Report 07/08/2005

Despite the foul weather last Sunday five riders made the effort for the ride from Longwarry and return via Bunyip, Garfield, Tynong, Cora Lyn , Bayles & Modella. The course was flat but both very wet and windy. After 49 ks the riders arrived back safe and sound albeit a …

Bill Murphy Wins at Lillico

30/07/2005 The Lillico circuit greeted a good field of 18 riders from the Warragul cycling club on Saturday. A grade were in for a quite day as Thomas Sandner was returning from illness and did not take off from the start at his usual break neck speed. It took A …

Ride It Report 23/07/2005

  Despite the wintry weather the recreation riding group’s program continues unabated. Fortunately the weather conditions have not been bad enough for any cancellations. Provided the appropriate apparel is worn it is not really a problem (see our  winter cycling tips). Although last Sunday the strong windy conditions caused riders …