Kestle Too Strong


Bathed in sunshine, Warragul cycling club’s racing saw a rise in popularity with 40riders attending the weekend’s scratch racing from as far away as Sale.  The return of Warragul’s world championship pursuit rider Wayne Kestle sparked a fiery A grade event over the tough 38km circuit.

The fast pace over the hilly course left four of the field off the back of the bunch including Chris Kypriotis followed by Matt Hose and later on Rowan Cook.  Fenwick also lost contact after puncturing.  This left only half the bunch to contest the finish with Kestle being left out in front to lead out in the spring over Phil Gallagher, Aaron Nobelius and Geoff Thomson.  It was Gallagher who reacted first jumping up beside Kestle in the bid for the line closely followed by Nobelius only a wheel behind and Thomson finished fourth in a great effort.

The B grade race was left short of forrn as a much improved Yeatman, who’d ridden to the race from Moe,  ripped the field apart in the final 10km over the notorious Slaughterhouse hill.  His attack payed its dividends as the other riders were left legless in the final  kilometres giving Yeatman a chance to take control.  He comfortably took the race with only Dale Grant being able to get close in the finish.

A further 10 seconds back Grub Melnyk came through in a great first ride back followed by triathlon powerhouse David Cairns and Darren Spiteri.  Peter Finlayson came through a further three minutes back with Ross Henry who had stopped to help with a wheel change.  Stuart Cuckson came through a little further back after having kept with these riders lor most of the distance.

Bruce Mason and Rowan Watts were not so fortunate with Watts puncturing and Mason losing contact with the field in the early stages.  Both riders battled on alone in determined efforts .

Ben Fleming. Scott Keeble and Jason Boxall again battled out the C grade event with Fleming breaking away from the rest of the field to win by over two minutes.  Keeble took second narrowly over Boxall as did Peter Bailey over Ian De Bryne a little further back.  Stephen Twining claimed an excellent sixth in his first ride over Anthony Vogrig.  They were followed in by local legend Tedd Dunn and Kim and Vic Spunner.

The junior event saw new rider Michael Maunder blitz the field in putting a minute into the field over 6 km.  Second was Justin Spunner followed by Matthew Young and Shane Boxall.

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