Warragul Cycling Week One Results in Yellow Fever!

02/07/2005 As riders carefully donned their special time trial wheels, spokes, handlebars, skin suits and aero-space helmets in the picturesque potato fields of western France for the start of the Tour de France on Saturday, a similar procedure was occurring in the picturesque dairying locale of Picnic Point. Twenty riders …

Chris Beales Wins A Grade

18/06/2005 Twenty-seven riders made the most of the fine but cool conditions at Shady Creek on Saturday. The riders who competed in last weekends 3 day Tour of Gippsland seemed to have the edge on the others. The 3 days of hard racing had a positive effect on their performance …

Visitors Climb the Wall

21/05/2005 The Warragul Cycling Club raced the exciting Fishers Rd Circuit on Saturday; a circuit that contains a short but sharp climb known locally as ‘the wall’. A small field of 5 started in A grade with two new riders from The StKilda Cycling club welcomed by all. Andrew Robinson, …

Great Day on the City Trail Ride

01/05/2005 Twenty three riders from the Ride-It group journeyed down to Melbourne last Sunday to negotiate the Capital City Trail Ride. Following the nasty weather in the early morning the possible ride conditions were a real cause for concern however the weather forecast proved spot–on with the elements moderating and …

Riding in a Bunch

Riding in a bunch is great fun: time seems to go much faster and there are plenty of other riders to chat to about the pitfalls of the beginner cyclist. Riding in a bunch however can be a harrowing experience for the beginner cyclist so here are some tips which …

Riding and Training

Spinning. You’ll notice cyclists talk about cadence and spinning. This refers to the number of pedal revolutions per minute, or cadence. Try and maintain a cadence of 90-100 rpm on flat terrain and don’t let it drop below 75 rpm on hills A cadence monitor makes this very easy or …

Bike Maintenance

There are three basic things you need to do – clean , lube , and check . Clean your bike when it is dirty. Although it is good to clean your bike because a clean bike looks nicer, dirt can cause corrosion and wear on the moving parts of a …