Gerrans Wins Baw Baw Classic

04/10/2003 Saturday saw the running of the 3rd annual Baw Baw Classic, a Category 2 National Road Series event as well as a Victorian Championship event.  Its challenge lies in the most demanding of road ascents, from Warragul to the pinnacle of Mt Baw Baw.  Riders started with clear skies, …

Yarragon Hill Climb

27/09/2003 12 committed cyclists endured wet and windy conditions to compete in the Yarragon Hill Climb. This race starts with a number of laps around the relatively flat Cloverlea circuit and finishes with a relentless 6km climb up Yarragon-Leongatha Rd. AFL fans used the grand final as a soft excuse …

Keeble Wins Scratch

09/08/2003 Ominously the grey clouds swooped over the Warragul Township and threatened the cyclists with a miserable and cold ride around the Lillico circuit. With sufficient layers, 30 hardy souls decided to tackle the conditions that ultimately turned out benign. A-Grade was first away in what was to eventuate as …

Keeble Wins ITT

06/09/2003 Some say it’s the ultimate test. A battle against the clock, in which cyclist and machine confront only the elements to post the fastest time. It is the individual time trial, the race of truth. And so it was that 26 riders took on the clock for 11.6 kilometers …

Cyclists Storm the Wall

23/08/2003 It would prove to be a race of attrition with heart rates soaring, legs burning and lungs straining to absorb every last ounce of oxygen as cyclists tackled the Picnic Point, Fishers Rd circuit. For those electing not to make the ride out, parking space was at a premium …

Salton Wins Cloverlea handicap

16/08/2003 It was always going to be a fast race with weather conditions proving to be a spectacular contrast to last week. As the sunshine bathed the gathering swarm of cyclists, the ever-reliable handicapper, Staff Duncan developed an itch. Perhaps this was going to be a day for the scratchies. …